Iran Accelerates Nuclear Program Development
By Nicholas Carl | Co-Author: Kyra Rauschenbach | Contributors: Omer Niazi, Jacob Jones, and Ali Mackie
Nov 20, 2020

The International Atomic Energy Agency reported that Iran has constructed new underground nuclear infrastructure, where it has begun installing and operating advanced centrifuges in recent weeks. This infrastructure, which is designed to withstand airstrikes, replaces the centrifuge assembly facility allegedly sabotaged in July.
Iranian Leaders Seek to Capitalize on the Expiration of the Arms Embargo
By Nicholas Carl | Co-Author: Kyra Rauschenbach | Contributors: Omer Niazi, Jacob Jones, and Ali Mackie
Oct 30, 2020

Revenues from arms sales may help the Iranian regime finance its domestic security measures. Iranian officials will aim to make a net profit from weapons sales now that the UN arms embargo has expired. The Iranian government faces unprecedented economic challenges while struggling to contain a persistent anti-regime protest movement and instability in key Iran-friendly states Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.
Tehran Increases Local Security and Strengthens Ties to Venezuela Amid Economic Crisis
By Nicholas Carl | Co-Author: Kyra Rauschenbach | Contributors: Omer Niazi, Jacob Jones, and Ali Mackie.
​Oct 7, 2020

Iranian leaders are pursuing more trade with Venezuela to bolster remaining currency reserves in preparation for another intervention in the currency market. Iran agreed in April to exchange fuel and technical expertise needed to restart energy infrastructure for $500 million of Venezuelan gold.